Serve On A Committee

Committees, and the members within, are vital to fulfilling the mission and vision of Delta Phi Epsilon. By serving on committees, our volunteers shape the future of the sorority through developing policies and programs that foster a healthy and successful organization. We welcome and encourage unicorn activists from diverse backgrounds to get involved in causes and subjects that appeal to them.

Volunteering on a committee requires some experience and/or a special skill set that adds value to the work at hand. Commitments can range from a few hours a month to a few hours a week and from a few days to multiple years depending on the project. For more information, please contact Alexandra Waltemeyer, executive administrator at

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Foundation Committees

Communications Committee

Chair: Stephanie Cockerl

Delta Rho Chapter at Cornell University

Responsible for communications planning and execution for the Educational Foundation.

Development Committee

Chair: Andrea Patton

Alpha Gamma Chapter at Florida International University

Helps the Board carry out its due diligence function related to assuring fiscal health through philanthropy and fund development. Partners with staff to institutionalize the philanthropic process within the Board and its individual members, assuring a donor-centered organization.

Grants Committee

Chair: Shelley Vaillancourt

Beta Sigma Chapter at University of Ottawa

Responsible for management of the grants application process, awarding and monitoring grants for the enterprise.

Major Gifts Committee

Chair: Emily Meister

Alpha Iota Chapter at University of San Francisco

The mission of the committee is to spearhead the fundraising efforts of the Delta Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation, specifically major campaigns set-forth by the foundation.  The Committee will work in partnership with the staff to execute the fundraising initiatives of any campaign by identifying, cultivating, soliciting and stewarding potential major donors.

Planned Giving Committee

Chair: Jessica Andrews

Psi Chapter at University of Georgia

Works to ensure the long-term viability of the organization through transformational planned gifts.

Scholarship Committee

Chair: Kristin Morgan

Alpha Chapter at New York University

Oversees the scholarship program for the Educational Foundation. Reviews applications and makes recommendations for funding of scholarships to the Board of Directors.

Foundation Committees

Policy Formation and Review Committee

Chair: Marci Spero Gordon

Sigma Chapter at The Ohio State University

This committee will be tasked with creating policy for all DPhiE houses, suites and lodges. They will also review current policies and make revisions where needed.

IGB Committees

Human Resources Committee

Chair: Tricia Carlin

Delta Sigma Chapter at Rider University

Responsible for recommendations on compensation scales, Human Resource policy manual updates/ revisions and review of the Executive Director.

Governance Committee

Chair: Arleen Honick

Psi Chapter at University of Georgia

Responsible for reviewing the governance structures (International Bylaws, International Policy Manual etc) and practices of the organization and reporting its findings and recommendations to the board.

Nominating Committee

Chair: Roxanne Donovan

Gamma Chapter at Syracuse University

Reviews and makes recommendations about individuals who are qualified and willing to serve on the International Governing Board. It ensures that the organization continues to operate smoothly during transitions of the organization’s elected officials.

Kindness Committee

Chair: Laura Glotzbach

Delta Sigma Chapter at Rider University

The mission of the committee is to create training materials and programs that sustain a culture of empathy, trust and compassion. The goal of the Kindness Committee is for our organization to be leaders in Kindness.

Status Review Committee

Chair: Stacy Segal

Psi Chapter at the University of Georgia

Responsible for reviewing requests for chapter disaffiliation for approval or denial on behalf of the International Governing Board.

International Ritualist

Chair: Heather Locke Green

Beta Chi Chapter at St. Norbert College

The International Ritualist is appointed by the International President to oversee the rituals of Delta Phi Epsilon. Ensuring the sentiment and values of Justice, Sisterhood and Love are woven throughout our ceremonies and rituals is the most important work done by this position.

Volunteer Placement Committee

Chair: Vashtina Boyce

Alpha Epsilon Chapter at Kennesaw State University

Exists to forward the volunteer pipeline to leadership within the sisterhood. This group of volunteers interviews and places leaders onto committees of the enterprise.

Strategic Planning Committee

Chair: Ana Morales

Alpha Gamma Chapter at Florida International University

Assists the board with its responsibilities for the organization’s mission, vision and strategic direction, including development of a three year strategic plan with measurable goals and time targets.

Awards and Recognition Committee

Chair: Heather Locke Green

Beta Chi Chapter at St. Norbert College

Responsible for ensuring our chapters, associations, and members are recognized and celebrated for their hard work and achievements

Interested in Serving on a Committee?

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