What is a Legacy?
A legacy is the biological or adopted daughter (step), granddaughter/great-granddaughter (step), sister (half/step), or niece of an initiated member of Delta Phi Epsilon International Sorority.
What is a Declared Legacy?
A declared legacy is a legacy who has submitted the necessary documentation with the International Headquarters prior to the beginning of the recruitment process. Delta Phi Epsilon values the connection our legacies bring to the organization and, therefore, we expect that priority will be given to them during the membership selection process. If a declared legacy is in danger of being released at any time during the recruitment process, all necessary steps must be taken by the chapter as outlined in the Delta Phi Epsilon policy manual. In summary, the Legacy Policy now includes nieces. Declared legacies are to be invited to minimally the first round of invitational parties and if taken to preference round, must receive a bid. According to the policy manual, If you are considering release of a legacy, your advisor must call Nicole DeFeo, International Executive Director directly BEFORE you drop the legacy.