Our Programs
At Delta Phi Epsilon, we believe that education through programming provides our membership with meaningful opportunities for growth and development. The mission of Delta Phi Epsilon, “to provide a sisterhood experience rich with tradition, innovation and opportunities for growth” is at the center of the Delta Phi Epsilon Leadership Development Competency model. This model is the standard for individual member growth and development within Delta Phi Epsilon and includes both undergraduate and alumnae members. It identifies the core skills that leaders must develop to achieve their personal and professional goals. By using this model, members of Delta Phi Epsilon can evaluate their competency levels, set goals and determine a developmental course to truly be the best version of themselves, rather than to seem to be.
Each program created by Delta Phi Epsilon is rooted in the Leadership Development Competency model.

YOU are DPhiE: New Member Orientation
Delta Phi Epsilon’s New Member Orientation program was completely redesigned in Fall 2022. The New Member Orientation Program is intentionally designed to ensure that all new members, regardless of chapter, are provided the same foundational knowledge and experience. The program is also designed to be simple to facilitate by Vice Presidents of Membership Development (VPMDs) and New Member Educators (NMEs). The New Member Orientation (NMO) Program consists of two different parts, both equally important and required by all new members:
- An online new member orientation course on DPHIE Learning designed to introduce essential DPHIE knowledge to all new members.
- Once weekly new member orientation meetings, facilitated by chapter leaders, designed to create meaningful connections between new members and the chapter.
Overall, the New Member Orientation program strives to create a sense of belonging for all new members while teaching them the essential information they will need to know to be a positively contributing member of DPHIE, their chapter and their local community.
International Leadership Forum (ILF)
Every two years, the members of Delta Phi Epsilon come together to learn and grow as individuals. Through keynote and breakout sessions on topics that are relevant to today’s world, the membership expands their horizons. Through opportunities to connect during meals and sessions, bonds with other members from across the country that will last a lifetime are solidified. The programs are fully focused on personal and professional growth of our membership as women, leaders, professionals and friends and are carried out by industry leaders.

PEARL Program
(Personal Enrichment Activities for Responsible Living)
One of the goals of Delta Phi Epsilon International Sorority is to provide members with positive experiences that promote personal growth, develop a caring and supportive environment, and encourage service to the community. By enhancing their talents, strengths, and skills, members of Delta Phi Epsilon will be prepared to contribute not only as a member of our sisterhood, but to their local communities and on a global level.
The Delta Phi Epsilon PEARL Program presents opportunities for members of all ages to contribute to their personal as well as professional development, the sorority, and the surrounding community. All members are expected to participate in PEARL events in the five areas of Self, Scholarship, Sisterhood, Social, and Service in order to gain a Personal Development Pearl (PDP).
Each member will also plan and complete a Personal Development Pearl (PDP) based on individual goals. The PDP can be anything that a member hopes to accomplish in the year personally, professionally, or academically. All PEARLs completed should contribute to the success and completion of the PDP by the end of the academic year.
Personal Development Pearl
Delta Phi Epsilon recognizes members are individuals with unique challenges, needs, and goals. The purpose of a Personal Development Pearl is to help identify and create a roadmap for our members personal growth journey over the next year and beyond. It is a means of self-development and personal reflection. Breaking down a goal into specific objectives and actions will help them along the way remain accountable to themselves. It will be useful for them to see the benchmarks and small wins along the way, rather than being intimidated by the road ahead.
This program was developed and has been in use since the early 1990s. The PEARL Program was created by Linda Blockus, Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Dartmouth College; Suzanne Valliere, Phi Sigma Chapter at Northern Illinois University and Mary Beth Englebride, Phi Chi Chapter at University of Maryland Baltimore County.

SELF: Focus on physical, emotional, mental, and personal well-being

SCHOLARSHIP: Focus on academic advancement, professional development, and gaining deeper understanding of the world around us

SISTERHOOD: Focus on cultivating the bond between new members, sisters, and alumnae

SOCIAL: Focus on fostering interactions in and outside of the Greek Life community

SERVICE: Focus on involvement in philanthropic participation and community service

STAR Program
(Sisters Targeting Academic Resources)
The STAR Program offers members opportunities to share ideas and insights on how to get the most from their college academic experience. The STAR program focuses on academic challenges and opportunities that are relevant and important to our members. Through targeted academic support information, initiatives and resources, the STAR program encourages our members to focus on the reason they are in school- to learn and succeed academically.
Delta Phi Epsilon provides chapters with an Academic Resource Guide that encourages chapter leaders to identify academic support resources both online and on their campus. This guide provides common resources located within a campus community and how to identify areas of support for their chapter. In addition, this guide includes common academic resources and websites to help students succeed such as the writing center, tutoring center, career center and academic advising offices.
Team Excellence-Leadership Development Program
Team Excellence is an organizational structure that invites all members to participate in chapter operations. The strategy of this team-based structure is to better distribute responsibility throughout the chapter and subsequently increase skills, sisterhood connections, individual member ownership and engagement, and overall chapter support.
The hallmark of this program is how it relates to real-world corporations or organizations, making transition into the workforce easier for our members after graduation. Building competencies that are valued by future employers, Team Excellence creates an incubator experience for our members. The chapter is led by a group of 6 to 10 leadership team members (LT), who each have coordinators or committees to complete the “work” or operations of the chapter or association day to day. This allows for more involvement and engagement at all levels of membership. Through the operations of the chapter or association, each member is developing real world skills like strategic planning, conflict resolution, and accountability. This model is used in our alumnae associations as well as in our undergraduate chapters to ensure members of all ages are given an opportunity to continue developing personal and professional skills.
Team Excellence was developed by Past International Executive Director, Felicia Ausbury, Epsilon Pi Chapter at SUNY Plattsburgh. Felicia entered Chapter Eternal on September 9, 2014. Our sisterhood remembers her through this cornerstone program.
Leading with Purpose: Leadership Team Transition Workshops
The Leading with Purpose: Leadership Team Transition Workshops are an annual virtual program intended to introduce newly elected Leadership Team (LT) members to their new roles, responsibilities, and expectations for their elected term. In this workshop, members are asked to reflect on their personal journey as a leader and evaluate how they want to improve in their new positions to promote change personally and as a chapter. They are also introduced to a network of LT members across North America who are facing similar challenges in the future along with a variety of resources so that they feel supported throughout the year.
These workshops are mandatory for all incoming Leadership Team members and take place in the first two weeks of November each year. Recordings are distributed afterwards but newly elected chapter officers are encouraged to attend a live session as they are highly interactive and collaborative.
As a part of the transition process, each newly elected chapter officer is enrolled in our Leading with Purpose: Leadership Team Training Course. This course introduces the Team Excellence model, resources to use in times of need, an overview of their role and responsibilities, important DPHIE knowledge and processes to be aware of as a leader, conflict management techniques, and a diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging foundational knowledge introduction. Through this course, incoming Leadership Team members can feel even more prepared for their upcoming year of service to their chapter by developing the knowledge and skills needed to navigate their role with confidence. It is our hope that they can utilize the resources in the course, on their campus, in their chapter advisory board (CAB), and International Headquarters staff to feel supported in their role.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging Chapter Certificate Program
The DPHIE Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging chapter certificate program is an opportunity for DPHIE chapters to move from education to action. The program contains a set of 4 courses designed to specifically teach chapters how to actively make DEIB part of their everyday individual and collective operations and interactions. Each course will provide chapters with the action steps they need to implement inclusive practices and ensure that their chapter is a place where members feel they belong, thus increasing both the recruitment potential of the chapter and retention of current members. Chapters can choose their own level of investment in the program by selecting 1 or more courses in which to participate. Upon completion of each course, they will earn a chapter certificate in that specific course topic. If a chapter completes the full 4 course program, they will be deemed a DPHIE Chapter of Inclusive Excellence.
To learn more or register your chapter for the program email learning@dphie.org
Forté Foundation Partnership
Empowering women and non-binary individuals, Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority proudly joins forces with the Forté Foundation, a renowned nonprofit organization for championing women’s advancement. This partnership offers invaluable leadership resources, including mentorship, workshops, and networking opportunities, fostering academic and professional excellence for our members. Together, we aim to cultivate a supportive community where women and non-binary people thrive from the dorm room to the board room.
For more information about Forté, please visit www.fortefoundation.org.


The Delta Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation
Platinum Partnership

Herff Jones
Gold Partnership

Silver Partnership

Bronze Partnership

The Letter Market
Bronze Partnership

Gill Grilling
Bronze Partnership