What is aCompetency Model?
A competency model is a group of competencies that when put together define success or growth in a particular setting. Competency models include competency names and definitions, descriptions of activities and behaviors associated with each competency and a visual representation of the model that allows users to quickly understand the model.
The Delta PhiEpsilon Model:
Delta Phi Epsilon strives to provide opportunities that inspire members to lead, serve and learn throughout their lifetime. To give members that opportunity, the Delta Phi Epsilon Leadership Competency Model has been developed. The mission of Delta Phi Epsilon, “to provide a sisterhood experience rich with tradition, innovation and opportunities for growth” is at the center of the Delta Phi Epsilon competency model. This model is the standard for individual member growth and development within Delta Phi Epsilon and includes both undergraduate and alumnae members. It identifies the core skills that leaders must develop to achieve their personal and professional goals. By using this model, members of Delta Phi Epsilon can evaluate their competency levels, set goals and determine a course to truly be the best version of themselves, rather than to seem.

Moving through the model
It is suggested that members work on the development of the competencies in the following order to promote developmental progression. Members need to achieve an advanced level in each competency before moving to the next competency. However, it is important to spend time dedicated to development in each competency, based on one’s goals, before advancing to the next competency.
Personal Effectiveness
- Self-Awareness
- Integrity
- Empathy
Interpersonal Skills
- Communication
- Inclusion
- Conflict Management
Leading Change
- Decision Quality
- Mentorship
Assessment of the Model
Step 1:
Assess yourself
Members will take a self-assessment annually to discover where they fall in each competency (basic, intermediate, or advanced). This will help the member determine which competency to focus on for the year (or half year).
Step 2:
Set your goal
Members will then set a personal development pearl (PDP) goal based on advancing in the selected competency area. Members will determine which level they would like to achieve in each competency. The ultimate goal will be to help members move from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence in each competency area as they work toward their PDP.
Step 3:
Do the work
Members will select pearl opportunities (representing the 5 S’s) that will help them achieve their goal.
Courses, programs, resources and training opportunities will be available that will allow members to unlock badges and certifications in the competency areas through the Delta Phi Epsilon learning management system. These certifications can be shared on twitters or linked in and can be placed on the member resume.
Step 4:
Measure your growth
At the end of the term/year (depending on the goal time frame), members will take the competency assessment again to see improvement in the competency.
Delta Phi Epsilon MembershipCore Competencies
The ability to articulate and show a desire to work toward personal or professional goals. To align actions with those goals.
- Describes why having personal, academic and professional goals are important.
- Describes how their membership in Delta Phi Epsilon can help achieve their goals
- Is consistent in their words and actions
- Describes the leadership skills needed to achieve personal and professional objectives
- Articulates how situations influence their personal energy
- Is personally motivated by their purpose
- Sets personal and professional goals
- Seeks support from others
- Seeks feedback from others
- Utilizes critical thinking to make values-based decisions in order to achieve personal and professional objectives
- Seeks opportunities to protect and enhance one’s personal energy
- Is able to motivate others around a global purpose
- Uses available resources to persist through challenges
- Aligns goals with actions
- Plans for future actions to support goals
- Actively practices managing one’s own emotions and emotional energy
The ability to exhibit “good moral character”. The ability to act in an honest and just manner. The ability to take ownership of actions and expectations and follow through on commitments.
- Behaves in an honest, just, and ethical manner
- Earns the trust of others through consistency in words and actions
- Seen as reliable and dependable
- Practices addressing concerns with others in a respectful manner
- Takes ownership for solving problems, even when the fault lies elsewhere
- Aligns actions with personal beliefs and vision
- Communicates honestly with others
- Addresses concerns with others in a confidential manner
- Follows through with commitments
- Actively stands up for what is right and uses voice on behalf of others
- Committed to the growth of other people and builds community with others
- Exhibits a high level of accountability
- Shares the spotlight and seeks the best in others
- Aligns actions with organizational and personal values
The ability to approach relationships with kindness and assume positive intent.
- Approaches relationships with kindness
- Understands that everyone has different lived experiences that affect how they interact with others
- Considers the feelings and perspectives of others when interacting or making decisions
- Articulates the difference between intent and impact in order to understand
- Utilizes active listening skills to connect with others
- Relates to the feelings of others to provide comfort and understanding
- Assumes positive intent
- Exhibits positive contributes to the community
- Recognizes unconscious bias and works to minimize it
- Seeks opportunities to problem solve in order to help and support others
- Perceives the experiences and needs of others quickly
- Communicates with others in calm and comforting manner
- Encourages others to positively contribute to the community
The ability to exhibit intentional actions that prioritize the thoughts, experiences and perspectives of other people, particularly people who have been systemically excluded.
- Describes personal identities
- Actively listens to others describe their personal identities and experiences
- Articulates how their experiences may be similar or different from the experience of others
- Can describe base level DPHIE DEI definitions and terms
- Shows respect for all races, ethnicities, religions, genders, sexes, sexual orientations, ages, differences in socio-economic status, and abilities
- Values differences and honors others who are different
- Creates a sense of belonging for others
- Collaborates with others and includes them in the decision making process
- Actively seeks out opportunities to learn about identities and experiences different from their own
- Gives others a voice at the table
- Can describe their personal privileges and how individual choices impact others
- Serves as a leader that creates spaces that are open, cooperative, supportive, and empowering
- Recognizes unconscious bias and works to minimize it
- Considers what is equitable for all members
- Actively engages in learning opportunities to facilitate growth and understanding of social justice concepts and integrates principles into daily life
- Advocates for inclusivity consistently in a variety of settings
The ability to identify different styles of communication and adapt to various styles. The ability to exhibit active listening skills. The ability to deliver clear personal and professional messages.
- Acknowledges that differences in communication styles exist
- Practices active listening skills (e.g., appropriately establishing interpersonal contact, paraphrasing, perception checking, summarizing, questioning, encouraging, avoid interrupting, clarifying)
- Practices use of appropriate nonverbal communication
- Recognizes their personal strengths and areas of improvement when communicating with others
- Provides timely and accurate information
- Is knowledgeable about the organization
- Writes messages that are clear and free from errors
- Identifies different styles of communication and adapts message accordingly
- Practices using an assertive communication style
- Assertive communication style– most effective communication style. Assertive communicators express their needs, desires and feelings while also considering the needs, desires and feelings of others. They aim for a win-win situation and look to balance the outcome in everyone’s favor.
- Utilizes active listening skills (e.g., appropriately establishing interpersonal contact, paraphrasing, perception checking, summarizing, questioning, encouraging, avoid interrupting, clarifying)
- Utilizes appropriate nonverbal communication
- Identifies when communication can be more casual and when it needs to be more formal
- Perceives and analyzes unspoken dynamics in a group setting
- Writes and delivers messages that are concise
- Uses primarily an assertive communication style
- Mediates conflicts and differences between or among individuals or groups
- Assists in moving groups through stages of group development
- Speaks in a way that inspires others to act
- Writes and delivers messages tailored to the audience
Conflict Management:
The ability to navigate the process of dealing with perceived incompatibilities or disagreements arising from difference.
- Demonstrates respect to others
- Describes they own conflict management style
- Remains calm in challenging situations
- Considers multiple perspectives before engaging in challenging conversations
- Describes different types of conflict management styles and how they interact
- Takes responsibility and ownership over words and actions
- Utilizes an assertive communication style
- Demonstrates decision making about when to handle conflict independently and when to ask for appropriate support
- Creates spaces where various perspectives can be heard respectfully
- Holds others accountable to agreed upon standards and expectations
- Influences others to utilize an assertive communication style
- Facilitates and/or participates in mediation as needed
- Encourages mediation between others to resolve conflict
Decision Quality:
The ability to make and take responsibility for intentional and informed decisions in a timely manner.
- Determines multiple options before making a decision
- Takes personal responsibility for decision making
- Articulates the desire to increase financial literacy skills and understanding to support decision making
- Articulates the desire to learn more about using data and research to make informed decisions
- Considers both short term outcomes and long term outcomes for decisions
- Collaborates with others/seeks input from others to collect multiple perspectives and ideas to assist in the decision making process
- Describes key finance components such as earning, spending, saving, investing, borrowing and protecting.
- Implements strategies around the key finance components of earning, spending, saving, investing, borrowing and protecting.
- Considers what data and research are available to make informed decisions
- Defines a decision making plan that includes the decision that is needed along with all of the appropriate steps that need to be taken to make an informed decision
- Steps away from a decision to discover potential blind spots
- Follows through with decisions consistently
- Makes informed and intentional financial decisions consistently
- Shares opportunities for others to engage in financial literacy practices
- Facilitates conversations with others about collecting and utilizing data and research to make informed decisions
The ability to influence and gain the trust of others through consistency in words and actions. The ability to aid others in their personal and professional development.
- Identifies personal strengths and areas for growth
- Describes personal leadership style
- Identifies organizational strengths and areas for growth
- Facilitates trusting relationships with others
- Knows when and how to refer others to appropriate support and resources
- Can receive positive and constructive feedback and use it for growth and development
- Objective recognizes strengths and areas for growth in others
- Influences the decisions and mindsets of others respectfully
- Seeks opportunities to develop identified growth areas both personally and professionally
- Thinks critically and creatively about solutions and outcomes
- Describes the leadership styles of others
- Displays authenticity and congruence between personal and leadership roles
- Delivers positive and constructive feedback to others.
- Holds other accountable to agreed upon standards and expectations, consistently
- Encourages others to be critical thinkers and problem solvers
- Encourages others to seek opportunities for personal and professional development
- Models self-care and boundaries to other organizational members
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
Competency Models Clearinghouse
Competency Model Development and Use-A technical assistance guide
Conscious Competence Learning Model
Delta Phi Epsilon Staff Core Competencies
Erin Fischer Competency Cards
Indeed- The 4 Levels of Competence: Definitions and Examples
Indeed-10 Core Competencies and Skills Valued by Employers
NACE-The Four Core Competencies Employers Value Most
National Standards for Financial Literacy Rationale and Content