PHILADELPHIA, PA — Delta Phi Epsilon is proud to announce the installation of an international philosophy on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The International Governing Board (IGB) voted and passed this resolution unanimously on May 14, 2023. 

Delta Phi Epsilon (DPhiE) recognizes the need for meaningful action and will maintain a high level of commitment to aligning our words with our actions. Our philosophy is rooted in our beliefs that allow us to work towards dismantling both systems and commonly-held beliefs that are not in alignment with the organization we desire to maintain. 

“Our founders created a sisterhood that valued diversity. Today, we re-affirm that sentiment with our philosophy statement. It is important to recognize that we, the members of today, carry forth the torch of inclusion and uphold the principles of democratic living over 100 years later” says Delta Phi Epsilon International Executive Director Nicole DeFeo. 

We hold seven beliefs that will guide the work we do in this area. These core beliefs include the recognition of the dynamics of power and privilege within the organization, the commitment to investing time, talent and financial resources to uplifting and advancing diversity, equity and inclusion work within DPhiE and in the communities in which we operate, and that everyone should be held accountable for creating and sustaining an environment that is inclusive, equitable, accessible, and representative. We expect each member, collegiate and alumnae alike, to uphold their expectations of membership in a way that fosters inclusion and acceptance for all people. 

To read the full Delta Phi Epsilon International Philosophy on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, click here.



About Delta Phi Epsilon, Inc.
Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority was founded on March 17, 1917 at New York University Law School as a social organization for women. The mission is to provide a sisterhood experience rich with tradition, innovation and opportunities for growth. Learn more about Delta Phi Epsilon at