Delta Phi Epsilon Recognized with HEROES Award

Through a deep commitment to our policies and values, Delta Phi Epsilon prides itself in shifting to meet the evolving needs of our community, to accurately represent our members and all who wish to become members.

We’re proud to share with you DPhiE’s leadership in establishing the first and only membership policy welcoming both transgender women and non-binary individuals within the National Panhellenic Conference is being recognized by the Delaware Valley Legacy Fund with its HEROES award

Starting in 2003, the HEROES award was created to highlight youth, adults, nonprofits, straight allies and businesses that have bold ideas and are regarded as courageous in advancing the equality of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in the Delaware Valley and beyond.

We are honored to be recognized for our commitment to inclusion and living out our motto - “Esse Quam Videri” – to be, rather than to seem to be. Authenticity and a commitment to progressing social consciousness remain centered in our sisterhood experience. Since our founding, we have adapted in response to the ever-changing world around us. We lead with flexibility and understanding on our college campuses as well as internationally through our role within the Panhellenic community.

The sorority will join other recipients local to the Delaware Valley area to be recognized for the award in an intimate ceremony later this spring. 

DPhiE has worked tirelessly to build and promote diversity, equity and inclusion among our international community, within our chapters and more broadly, the Panhellenic community as a whole. Much like our Founders, we have been tested throughout these efforts. Nevertheless, we stand by our belief in the power of sororities to provide safe, inclusive spaces where all feel welcome to be their true, authentic selves.

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (NEDAwareness Week) is an annual campaign that educates the public about the realities of eating disorders and aims to provide hope, support and visibility to individuals and families affected by eating disorders. Organizations and initiatives like NEDA are just some of the many organizations that look to support, educate and help those that have been affected by an eating disorder. 

Although the term eating is in the name eating disorders end up being about more than food. They’re complex mental health conditions that often require the intervention of medical and psychological doctors to help to alter their course. Eating disorders are a range of psychological conditions that cause unhealthy eating habits to develop in an individual. They might start out with an obsession with food, body weight or body shape. 

Eating disorders can affect individuals of any gender at any stage in their life but they’re most often reported in adolescents and young women. Up to 13% of youth may experience at least one eating disorder by the age of 20 ( Eating disorders may be caused by a variety of factors. Some of these factors include, genetics, personality traits, biology, cultural and media ideals. 

There are many resources that can help with eating disorders and they range from a family practice doctor, psychologist, National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), and National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). 


DPhiE Alumnae Spotlight - Feb 2022 Newsletter

From DPhiE Chapter President to Mars: Leilani Trautman, Zeta Delta Chapter 

When asked the number one thing gained from her undergraduate experience in Delta Phi Epsilon, 2021 graduate Leilani Trautman enthusiastically pointed to her growth as a leader. Shortly after graduating from Massachusetts Institute of Technology last year, Leilani joined the Mars 2020 team at NASA, which operates the rover that landed on Mars about a year ago with a mission to seek signs of ancient life and collect samples for a possible return to Earth. She now is a lead coder, working to automate daily movement and data collection from the rover as it goes about its mission. 

“Every day we receive information from the rover about what it did on Mars and we need to make sure everything is going well,” she said. “I developed code to make this process faster.”

When Leilani arrived at school from San Diego, she was set on studying electrical engineering and computer science. Yet, she also knew she was interested in finding a community with a strong commitment to inclusion.

Leilani joined DPhiE the first opportunity she had during the fall semester of her freshman year. She was eager to gain a sense of belonging within a space that championed the values she was seeking. She soon developed skills as a leader, first serving as sisterhood coordinator, then informal recruitment chair and risk management coordinator all within her first two years as an initiated member. Although she was still relatively new to the chapter, Leilani was then nominated as president and eventually served for two separate terms. 

During her presidency, she continued to champion the diversity, equity and inclusion policies that drew her in as a freshman. She added an additional leadership position to focus on these policies and make sure that all decisions made by the chapter were rooted in DPhiE’s founding principles of justice, sisterhood and love, while also prioritizing the organization’s vision of empowering our sisterhood to engage in a lifetime of leadership and service.

These efforts continued to take shape as the world went into quarantine during the middle of Trautman’s tenure. 

“My goal was to maintain connection when everyone was forced to go home,” she said. “DPhiE taught me how to best interact with people and approach situations in a positive way. These skills have helped me motivate myself and others to work collaboratively.”

After graduating, one of Leilani’s first philanthropic contributions was to DPhiE. She gave because she saw the importance of funding leadership opportunities for undergraduate members. From participating in Engage U and other international events, she attributed skills in leadership and networking to the skills that DPhiE gave to her as an undergraduate member. 

“I like to remind myself and other members that we are so much more than our small chapter at MIT,” Leilani continued. “We are part of a large, international network, one that I am proud to be a part of, even while working for a rover on Mars.”

Welcome to the Foundation Board-Andrea Alhadari Patton, Alpha Gamma Chapter at FIU

As her self-described first love, Andrea Alhadari Patton named DPhiE as the longest, most important relationship she has ever entered. (With the exception of her husband, of course.) Andrea joined the Educational Foundation Board in January because after experiencing the multiple ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic she wanted to give back to something that is so monumental in her life. As an active alumna of Alpha Gamma chapter at Florida International University, Andrea has continued her involvement since her graduation 11 years ago, on DPhiE professional staff overseeing communications and extension, and now as a chapter advisor and active volunteer.

“The pandemic really scared me and it forced me to try to picture my life without my constants, including my sorority,” Andrea said. “A lot of my friends from my new member class are having kids right now, and many of them are having daughters. I want my future daughter to have the opportunity to have the same positive experience I had in DPhiE and be able to share that with her.” Supporting the Educational Foundation, she said, is the way to ensure the success of the sorority.

After working professionally for DPhiE for seven years, Andrea now serves as the director of strategic partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania while simultaneously working toward her master’s in organizational dynamics with a focus on the upward mobility of Latina, first-generation college graduates in the workplace. Although she now serves in a volunteer capacity, Andrea still sees DPhiE as the main factor driving her to invest in life skills and leadership opportunities for others.
“DPhiE has always been a constant in my life and I want to sustain that,” Andrea said. “Whenever I talk to a sister, they always talk about DPhiE with passion.” Andrea believe sisterhood is for a true lifetime as an active part of her daily life and hopes that every member finds that same commitment.

Interested in joining Andrea as a strong advocate for DIMES For DPhiE? Learn more today.

How to manage your mental health during the holidays

By: Amanda Landry, LMHC, CAP, NCC

Holiday time can stir up a lot of emotions. For some people, it truly is the most wonderful time of the year. For others, it can trigger feelings of hurt, sadness, and shame connected to their family, traumas, and other lived experiences. If the holidays are a difficult time for you, there are some strategies you can use to manage your mental health. 

  1. Set Boundaries around your time- You can say no during the holidays. There are a lot of events and parties you may be invited to. You don’t have to say yes to everything. Decide what is a priority for you and only commit to those things. Making sure you manage any feelings of overwhelm is going to be important and setting boundaries around time is one way to do that. 
  2. Set boundaries around topics- Let your family know what you are and are not willing to discuss. Maybe your family has different political views than you and you don’t want to argue about it over Thanksgiving dinner. Let them know that you are not willing to engage in discussion about it. You can also remind family members you don’t want to be asked questions like when you’re getting married or what’s your next step after college. Remind them you want to have a connected and loving holiday and when they ask you questions or bring up certain subjects it makes you feel uncomfortable. 
  3. Find time for yourself- Make time to do a few activities for yourself. Think about what you love about the holidays and try to find ways to embrace it with self-care. Hallmark movies and a cup of hot cocoa seems to be a very popular choice these days. Or maybe you love to read Christmas themed books, this is your chance to set aside some quiet time for yourself. 
  4. Increase your fun- The holidays can and should be a lot of fun, in a way that is fun for you. Host a sisterhood event where you build gingerbread houses. Go ice skating with friends. Create a popcorn and pajama night on Christmas Eve with your family. If holidays are too triggering, try to find activities that are still fun but not holiday related. Increasing pleasurable activities is a great way to manage your mental health.
  5. Be gentle with yourself- As stated in the first paragraph, the holidays mean different things to different people. If you are struggling with your mental health, experienced a lost recently, or just plain don’t like the holidays, remind yourself that it’s okay and you don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations but your own. If you need tp grieve, grieve. If you need time for yourself, take it. Give yourself what you need and be gentle in the process.

Make your mental health a priority this holiday season. Look for ways you can be present to the experience of the holidays but also taking care of yourself.

Popular Directories to Help College Students Find Mental Health Treatment

By: Amanda Landry, LMHC, CAP, NCC of 

Finding a therapist shouldn’t be hard. Most college campuses have student counseling centers but a lot of them are inundated with requests for therapists. Other students may not feel comfortable with seeing a mental health professional connected with the university. Luckily, there are some resources out there to help our chapter members find the mental health treatment they are looking for. 

Popular mental health directory sites: 
These sites are user-friendly and designed for you to search by location, therapist type, insurance, modality, and a few other specialties.  These won’t cost you anything to utilize.

A directory for sliding scale options:
Open Path Collective helps you to find a therapist that accepts a sliding scale fee. This is great for college students on a budget or without health insurance. There is a fee for you to join but it’s worth it in the long run for the money you’ll save for your sessions.

A directory site designed for college students:
Shrinking Space is a directory specifically for college students to connect with providers who specialize in offering services to college students. This is another easy-to-use platform to find a mental health professional.

Directories designed for BIPOC:
There are some awesome directories designed to connect BIPOC students with mental health professionals. These sites help you find a therapist that’s a good fit for you, not just in terms of insurance and location.

Directories for LGBTQ students:
There are directories designed to help LGBTQ students connect with inclusive therapists. Therapists should have training in working with LGBTQ clients and these platforms help bridge the gap between appropriate providers and the need for inclusive therapists.

These lists are not exhaustive. If you are looking for a therapist, you can try one of these directories. Doing a Google search and reading reviews is another quick way to find a counselor.

A Walk Down Memory Lane…

Written by: Dianne Tiegel Kruse

Hello Deephers, My name is Dianne and I have been a “sister” since 1965.  I would like to share with you a beautiful, amazing, feel good, true story that happened during the Covid Pandemic. I hope it warms your heart as it has ours.  And hopefully will put a smile on some faces.

I, and all the others I am about to tell you about attended Rider College from 1965 to 1969.  We were lucky to have joined a sorority called Delta Phi Epsilon, better known as DPhiE.  The “sisters” are called Deephers.  It was an amazing time and our memories run deep.  Through the years most of us have lost touch, but once a Deepher always a Deepher!! 

During the Pandemic when Seniors were advised to stay at home, we were all truly hesitant to go anywhere.  We were very careful and stayed as close to home as possible, binge watching movies but getting more and more bored while trying to stay busy.

One day in April, 2020, I got an unexpected phone call from one of my sorority sisters, (my Big Sister coincidentally!) Barbara. Stunned but thrilled we talked as if we had seen each other yesterday - a warm and fuzzy feeling.  Barbara asked if I would be interested in being a part of a Deepher Zoom!! I was so excited and of course said yes! Barbara and two other sisters, Denise and Linda were the ones who came up with the Zoom idea. A date was discussed and the planning had begun. Over 50 years had passed and now we were going to reconnect!! Thoughts went through my head…would we recognize each other? How would we all react…would D Phi E be remembered with all the great times we had? I was soooo excited. 

I decided to look for a box that I had kept of sorority photos. I found the box of photos and began to look through them. I truly took a walk down Memory Lane. It turns out that several other sisters also kept photos and soon we were able to share what we had found.

The day arrived in early May, 2020. Here we were, 52 years later on a sorority Zoom face to face with old friends, sisters, all because of a tragedy called Covid 19. The Zoom began with 5 sisters and now we are up to 18!  How lucky we are!! And we are from all over the country…New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Massachusetts, Florida, Texas, and California. Our Zoom meetings are every Wednesday at 5:00 and we all look forward to being together, seeing each other, talking and laughing, remembering things from so long ago…as if it was last week!!  We are even trying to plan an in person reunion once the Covid is done and life goes back to “normal”. 

So that is our story…a story of renewed old friendships…”sisters” remembering and sharing stories of great times from so long ago.  Hopefully the Pandemic and its variants will be over soon but our DPhiE Zoom will continue for many more years.  Thank you for reading our story.  We can’t thank the Pandemic because it is so awful, but we are all very grateful that through the dim tunnel of sadness came 18 happy girls who will remain “sisters” forever.

We would like to dedicate this story to the memories of Karen Lippmann and Trudy Resnick, sisters who will live forever in our hearts.

Sisters who are reconnecting: Dianne Tiegel Kruse, Denise Alboum Abramson, Maria Feinhals, Barbara Sirkin Geller, Arlene Kramer, Rita Storfer Krovonet, Collette Guttman Kupferberg, Randy Pick Lazarus, Barbara Salk Miller, Linda Suval Moskowitz, JoAnne Frame Petruzel, Susan Rudolph Rabinowitz Jane Borkon Rudnick, Phyllis Berman Saletan, Karen Phillips Suvalle, Melody Nabson Taylor, Donna Wald, Candy Gold, Maria Feinhals, Randy Pick Lazarus, and Barbara Sirkin Geller

Five Strategies for Mastering Time Management this School Year

By Amanda Landry, LMHC, NCC, CAP

School is starting and high schoolers across the nation will be starting college this Fall.  Going to college can be an exciting and daunting experience.  For 13 years, you’ve pretty much been told when to go to school, when to eat lunch, when to do extra-curricular activities, when you can work, when you have to come home, when you have to study, and the list can go on and on.  For those of you going to away to college next year, everything is going to change.  You are going to be much more in control of your calendar and schedule.  Yes the school is going to give you times for your classes but you are going to have a variety of options.  Yes your new job will give you hours, however you won’t have the constraints of early morning school hours or limited weekend hours.  Does this sound like an exciting prospect to you?  Having good time management is one of the keys to being successful in college.  How are your time management skills now?  Here are some strategies to putting good time management skills into place when you get to school.

1.         Make a list of your priorities and make sure you put enough time in your schedule for these items

•           Figure out what your priorities are for the year. This would include things like school, work, extra-curricular activities, sorority life, socializing, etc. Make sure to allot enough time to be sure you are successful in each of these areas. Classes and schoolwork are probably going to get the most time so be sure to put enough time in your life for them .

2.         Get a scheduler or use your calendar on your phone in order to put things down that are a priority in your life

•           Some colleges still pass out free planners at the beginning of the year. This may be a thing of the past with COVID but you can get a planner at your local Target.  Some people like using their phone. It doesn’t matter what you use as long as you have an avenue to keep track of your life in an organized manner. Update it every day and whenever needed. Taking a look at the week ahead is also a good idea.

3.         Give yourself enough free but not too much

•           You are going to have much more free time on your hands. There are going to be blocks of time between classes or work where you can study, have lunch, meet up with friends, etc. Be sure to include downtime in your schedule. You want to make sure you have balance in your life and that includes balance in your schedule.

4.         Use to-do lists and do your best to keep on top of them

•           To-do lists are a must to any successful person. Create a to-do list every day and work on completing the items on your list. You can also create long-term to-do lists for things that can’t be done that day. To-do lists are key in good time management.

5.         Put time every week to taking a look at where you spent your time

•           Take time each week to look at your previous week. What did you accomplish? Where were your strong points and where were your weak points in terms of time management? From there, figure out how you can do things differently in the next week in order to be more effective. If you put these strategies into place, the likelihood that you will do well your first year will greatly increase. And be sure to schedule in fun things, like going to sorority events, socializing with friends and anything else your college has to offer. Good luck with your time management this year!

What Comes Next?

By Olivia Chamberland, MPH

Caps and gowns are all put away, goodbyes have been said, and celebrations continue…you have reached your goal, you have graduated…. But what now…..

Some of you already know what you are going to do, go on to graduate school or some form of higher education, maybe you’ll take some time to yourself to travel or relax, and maybe you already have an internship, or a job lined up. But you still can’t help but feel a little sense of sadness mixed in with the nervousness of the unknown aka the future. Afterall you just spent the past years studying, living on your own in a dorm room surrounded by a group of girls you called family. It was your home away from home.

Now you are on your own ready to take on the big scary, exciting world ahead of you, and you know what? You are going to do great things; you just don’t know it yet. How do I know? Because I have been there. I was in your shoes.

Growing up the plan was to get good grades, go to college, get a degree and graduate, but the plan stopped there. Why? Because it was up to me to figure out what after looked like. I had a tough time finding my footing and making my own path. It was a struggle trying to find a job right out of college. Some jobs required so much experience I should have started preparing when I was 7, or they required an advanced degree that I did not have. If I did land an interview, I was so nervous half the time, that I am surprised I remembered my name. There were a lot of tears when I did not get a job, and each rejection took a hard blow to my self-confidence, and it took on toll on my mental health. I felt lonely without the sorority, and feeling like I was apart of something. I felt like I was not good enough. But living at home with my parents helped a lot. They supported me and reminded me that I will get to where I want to be, and that I am good enough, I just have to be patient. I also started to see a therapist when I felt my mental health was starting to bring me down.

Looking back now, I am glad that I lived through it. I learned from my mistakes, and I learned what worked and what did not work. I tried, failed, and tried again, and through all this, I became resilient. Eventually, I got a temporary job at a health department as an administrative assistant. It wasn’t the dream job I wanted, but it gave me the experience I needed for my resume. That job eventually lead to another job, and before I knew it I was moving up the latter to my goal job. Through each job I met new people who challenged me and helped me grow. I learned new skills and found out what I wanted in a job and what I did not. I even learned stuff about myself that I did not know such as I really like to think outside the box and be creative.

Fast forward 6 years (it goes by fast my friends), here I am engaged to be married, a Master of Public Health graduate, a Regional Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, living in a beautiful apartment, and a dog mom. I am confident in my skills and abilities, but still open to learning more.  

I hope my experience helps you as you prepare to take on the world. There will be growing pains along the way, but that is normal part of getting to where you want to be. Opportunities are going to come up when you least expect them, and it is up to you to take a chance on them or not. In the end all that matters is that you are happy, healthy, and thriving. And when life gets you down, remember you are never alone, you have a whole sorority behind you cheering you on. Do not ever feel ashamed to reach out for help, or support, that is what sisters are for. Now get ready world because here you come!

Wellness Committee: Common Collegiate Headaches

Author: Dr. Mary Nochimson

In this blog, I plan to talk about common headaches and holistic modalities and at-home treatments that may help. 

1. Tension headaches feel like a band-like pressure surrounding the crown of the head. These headaches are usually caused by anxiety AKA tension. These headaches typically originate in the muscles of the head and neck. How to treat?

Chiropractic is a great option. In chiropractic, there is a headache known as a “cervicogenic headache”, which is a headache that is derived from misaligned spinal joints, also known as a subluxation. Subluxations not only put pressure on spinal nerves providing information and nutrition to the organs and structures of the head and neck, but it also causes muscle spasm. When these muscles spasm, over time, start pulling on the surrounding skin and fascia creating a trigger point leading to head pain. By adjusting the joint, it helps these muscles relax and that positively affects the surrounding fascia. 

In addition to Chiropractic, a massage therapist can also work wonders. Make sure to find a therapist who specializes in trigger point massage. Craniosacral is a gentle hands-on technique that uses a light touch to examine membranes and movement of the fluids in and around the brain and spinal cord. This not only helps address the physical portion of relieving tension in the central nervous system, but also helps address the emotional component of your headache. The fourth really awesome modality is acupuncture. There are specific sets of points that help decrease headaches and pain, and I will share a few of them with you. 

– Warm bath with eucalyptus and lavender oils. These two essential oils help with anxiety and promote relaxation.

Still point inducer 

– With a massage tool or with your pointer or thumb, stimulate the following areas for 1 minute.

Yin Tang is an extra point found in between the eyebrows above the nasal bones. I have found this point to be effective for headaches and anxiety.

Large Intestine 4 is a miracle point for headaches, neck and jaw pain. When you stimulate a point that is not local to the area of pain, this is known as a distal point and they can be very very effective. Important: if you are pregnant, do not stimulate this point as it stimulates uterine contraction.

Kidney 1 is the ultimate point for pain. It stimulates the body to make endorphins, which helps increase pain tolerance. When I was taught this point at the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture, the professor told a story of a woman who was diagnosed with terminal cancer and screamed in unbearable pain every night. After stimulating this point, the pain was relieved and the woman was able to sleep soundly through the night. I have used this point for patients who experienced headaches and other pains that have not improved using other medical and alternative medicine modalities

2. Migraine headaches are typically throbbing in nature and present on one side of the head behind the temple or the eye. This headache may sometimes  be accompanied by photophobia, sensitivity to light, or nausea, or vomiting. These type of headaches usually triggered by smells, food or environmental.

Ways to prevent this type of headache is keeping a log, or a diary. Write down all the foods you eat and monitor your symptoms. When you start to feel a headache coming on, notice if there are any smells in the air such as perfumes. This is the best way to get a handle on your migraine headache. 

Treatments include NAET®, which stands for Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique. This is a holistic modality which helps your body decrease the load of insensitivities you are exposed to on a daily basis. If you have many insensitivities that you are exposed to on a daily basis, this is going to lead to widespread inflammation throughout your body and central nervous system making your body susceptible to these headaches. If we can desensitize your body to these allergens, this will decrease inflammation in your body, making your body more functional. By exposing your body to the allergen transdermally through contact with a glass vial and stimulating specific acupuncture points along the spine and on the wrists, hands, ankle and feet, this modality helps your body respond better to the allergen. I know… UNBELIEVABLE and AMAZING! 

Migraines are vascular and these vessels feeding the brain from the heart travel through the fascia, muscles and joints of the cervical spine. Depending on severity, Craniosacral is a great treatment. Releasing the cranial bones will allow for vessels traveling through the tunnels (formed by the cranial bones) and through the intracranial membranes (which separate the brain and cerebellar parts) to travel more freely without interference. A Craniosacral therapist will also release the cranial base through which blood supply and nerve supply enter and exit the skull. 

A massage therapist skilled in neck work may also help. In my experience, a spasm in the Sternocleidomastoid (SCM), may mimic a migraine headache. If you squeeze this muscle, you may find that it may produce pain behind the eye or around the ear on the same side. 

At-home options

  • Still point inducer
  • Stay away from strong smelling deodorant/ perfume. 
  • Stimulate the acupuncture points mentioned above. 

3. Headaches can also be caused by 

  • Lack of sleep
    • Make sure you are getting 8 hours of sleep and try sipping a cup of chamomile tea. Avoid drinking  beverages loaded with caffeine and smoke cigarettes as they are both “stimulants”. 
  • An incorrect eyeglass prescription
    • Make sure that you visit your eye doctor once a year to avoid wearing prescription lenses that are not right for you
  • Staring at a computer for extended periods of time. 
    • Try to take frequent breaks from not just your computer, but your phone as well; and dim the room to reduce glare and reflections, which causes eye strain, which can lead to headaches. 
  • Stress
    • Try exercising, meditation and yoga. Find time for self care with chiropractic adjustments, massage, acupuncture. Try diffusing lavender oil as it stimulates the relaxation effect 
  • Loud noise exposure
    • If you are sensitive to sounds, this will definitely be a potential cause for a headache. Try ear plugs or noise cancelling headphones when you know you are going to a place where there will might be noises. 
  • Tight headwear. 
    • All women love their hair extensions, headbands, barrettes and scrunchies!!! As unnoticeable as they are on your head, they may be causing some restrictions in the cranial bones and tensions in the intracranial membranes. One of the symptoms of these “makin’ me pretty” accessories is headaches. So, don’t be shy! When you get that chance, let your hair down! 

Dr. Mary’s important Pearl of Health & Wisdom: This is very important. Two major questions the medical doctor asks, and questions you can ask yourself, when you have a headache are

1. Is this the worst headache you ever had?

2. Have you had this headache before? 

If you answered “yes” to question 1 and “no” to question 2, then the medical doctor, physician’s assistant or the nurse will probably refer you to the hospital to rule out life-threatening diseases such as a possible aneurysm or tumor. If all tests come out negative, then to have the headache symptoms co-managed by a neurologist and chiropractor may help you recover from the headache and also help you manage the symptoms when flair ups occur.